Monday, 9 November 2015

P2 Evaluate Your Own Qualities


a) Personal characteristics

I work well with people as I am a generally happy person who enjoys the company of others and loves to make others laugh as well as keep things serious if the situation calls for this approach. When meeting new people I am working with I will gladly listen and suggest ideas however it takes me time to really come out my shell and be my full self around them.  I can also be very calm and collected when faced with a difficult task and I make sure to complete said task on time. Media really prepared me for this with several deadlines set in a week and to overcome the pressure I will take my work home with me to complete it on time. I can be pretty laid back when it comes completing tasks but not to the point where my work lacks effort however I like to keep myself from getting overly stressed. To not get overly stressed I can come across laid back but in reality I will do something on time and to the best of my ability when I know it’s needed. I have a good sense of humour. For as long as I can remember I have always enjoyed laughing and making others laugh through telling jokes and just acting as fun as possible whenever I am around people I feel comfortable with.

b) Skills
I am usually skilled in most filming equipment and computers.  Say this because I can manage a video camera as I have filmed with them for many years including a Sony HXR-NX100 which my cousin owned and let me use to film with. Other pieces of equipment I have used include working with a tripod, boom mic and different types of lights. and It also doesn’t take me long to learn a new camera and how it works. I’ve used computers for a very long time now and can probably do most tasks requiring one. 

    I am skilled in Photoshop as I have been editing and creating images for over 3 years now in my spare time and in college such as editing photos of landscape for a photography project where as in my spare time I edit original photos and give them a new look some of which I am very proud of.
·      I am skilled in Premier Pro. I have been using it for roughly a year where I have filmed a movie and a music video plus in the past I have helped film and edit short movies with my cousin such as a film based on zombies most of which had a lot of planning. When it comes to editing I have used other software to edit, for over 5 years now creating YouTube videos in the past.
I   Another package I am skilled with includes Adobe Audition which I used during my time in college to edit a radio show I made. This included mixing different sound clips together so that they flow. I also added music and different jingles to the radio show and edited the sound in these clips so that any background sound issue were fixed.
c) Relevant achievements
Watching and creating films in my spare time I believe is a reason I managed to achieve a distinction in film mainly because my interest in the subject pushed me to produce the best work I can while editing and filming. My previous job involved a lot of heavy lifting alongside others in a warehouse for fruit and vegetables, I also work in a bar serving regular customers while building relationships. Although its not much, I did have to develop friendly attitudes with everyone and which was good practice at developing bonds with common costumers as well as new ones. These past jobs definitely helped strengthen my lack of confidence when around new people as I am very comfortable around peers who I have recently met. I am happy to have achieved good grades at college in the media as this achievement to me shows that I am dedicated in what I love doing. I try to put all my effort into something I am passionate about.
d) Experience and interests
I love to watch films and create Photoshop images in my spare time as well as play games online with friends, the best part of this is that while I enjoy using Photoshop in my spare time I always learn new techniques while using it which is helpful for when I am doing work around it. I search new techniques online, following video tutorials and picking up these new found skills and applying them to my own work. I never forget these techniques and it have always made me laugh when in class I am one of the only people who knows photoshop inside out and I usually ended up helping others with something that to me is simple and easy.

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